Art competition_競賽】入圍第十二屆義大利威尼斯拉古納藝術獎12th Arte Laguna Prize


非常榮幸《身體構圖II》能入圍Virtual Art五件作品中其中一件,這是能與世界各地的藝術家同台展演與競賽平台,非常幸運有這個機會能帶著作品前往,並且延續之前作品的累積,前往收集不同地區的身體資料。另外,有機會能於義大利參觀一些重要的景點美術館/博物館、藝廊等等,期待將會有更多的能量聚集。由衷感謝~所有家人與朋友們的幫忙。


義大利文化協會MoCA當代藝術組織主辦第12屆拉古納藝術獎大賽,宗旨在促進當代藝術推廣。該獎項曾獲得義大利總統勳章,並得到外交部、文化部、威尼斯地區、威尼斯市、威尼斯 Ca’Foscari大學以及歐洲設計學院等單位的贊助。 比賽獎項包括獎金、參加威尼斯的重大聯展、國際藝術畫廊展、與世界大公司合作、藝術駐村計劃以及放入聯展畫冊。機構獎項被分為九大部分,如: 繪畫、雕塑與裝置藝術、攝影藝術、錄像藝術和短片,行為表演藝術、虛擬藝術與數位平面設計以及地景藝術與城市藝術,每一類別將經過兩次篩選後,最後至義大利威尼斯展出,入圍的藝術家將一同角逐五項機構獎,獎金為7,000歐元;並且有三個國際畫廊主辦的藝術畫廊個展的機會、以及一個藝術和生態友好的獎項、十一個藝術駐村計畫、三個義大利公司的合作機會與三個國際藝術節展出的機會。

The brainchild of Cultural Association MoCA, Arte Laguna Prize is an international art competition dedicated to the visual arts, in particular painting, sculpture, photography, video art and performance, virtual and digital art. Its aim is to promote and support the artists and their career by offering a range of opportunities.

Since 2006 Arte Laguna Prize has grown and created year after year a network of collaborations with Foundations, Museums, Galleries, Companies and Art Residencies programs. It established partnerships with art galleries, connections with the business world and art residencies.

During its 10 editions Arte Laguna Prize has worked with artists from over 112 countries and with professionals from different backgrounds in the international art scene that make up the judging panel.Since 2010, the exhibition of the 110 finalist works has been held at the Arsenal of Venice, one of the most popular venues for contemporary art in the world.

The Cultural Association MoCA organizes the 12th Edition of the International Arte Laguna Prize, aimed at promoting and enhancing Contemporary Art.The Prize obtained a medal from the President of the Italian Republic, with the patronage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism, the Veneto Region, the Municipality of Venice, Ca' Foscari University of Venice and the European Institute of Design among others.

The contest features the awarding of cash prizes, the organization of a major collective exhibition at the Arsenale of Venice, exhibitions in international Art Galleries, collaborations with Companies, Art Residencies and the publication of the Catalogue.

The Prize includes nine sections: painting, sculpture and installation, photographic art, video art and short films, performance, virtual art, digital graphics, land art and urban art.

◆展出地點:義大利威尼斯軍械庫 Venice Arsenale,威尼斯軍械庫(義大利語:Arsenale di Venezia)是義大利威尼斯的歷史建築群,位於城堡區,原為國家造船廠和軍械庫,負責裝備威尼斯的海軍力量,很早即使用標準化零件進行大規模生產。

參與國家或地區: 共有9大藝術類別,115位來自全球各地的藝術家。
2018互動藝術類(Virtual Art)入圍5件,其他四位入選者各來自歐洲瑞典、亞洲印度、亞洲中國、亞洲土耳其。其他類別的入圍者來自:美洲加拿大、美國、阿根廷、巴西、哥倫比亞、墨西哥;歐洲英國、義大利、法國、荷蘭、比利時、西班牙、德國、瑞士、冰島、俄羅斯、波士尼亞與赫塞哥維納;亞洲日本、中國、臺灣、(北/南)韓國、印度、土耳其、伊朗、黎巴嫩;澳洲紐西蘭、澳大利亞......等等地區。
In the past eleven years more than 42.000 artists from 120 countries have participated, 1,235 works were exhibited in Venice, many of which were acquired directly by collectors. 355.000€ cash prizes were awarded, 75 international jurors from 16 countries have evaluated the artworks submitted, there are over 100 international collaborations that form the network that the Prize has generated over the years; more than 50.000 people have visited the exhibitions organized by Arte Laguna Prize in Venice and the ones made in collaborations with the partners around the world.

