Morning it is accumulated snow outside. I run outside and take the photos.
Sequoia is a cute girl, and always smile and vitality. She is an illustrator and designer. Joe is my host of this project, and he takes care me anything. We go to lunch, and select Japanese restaurant. I teach Sequoia how to use chopsticks.
And we go to the "loganberry books" store. There are a lot of books. And I buy the comic book of Batman Vs. Superman. I think it is an American's style.
We go to the office of "the center of arts-inspired learning", and I work then at this residence. See all colleague and say hello. Carly is a sweet girl, she always tries to let me speak something, and interact with me. She talks about "Cleveland Film Festival". Maybe I can see it. We go outside and buy my contact lotion on pharmacy (CVS).
And we go to the Japanese bar on downstairs. Joe's wife also comes with us. She is a nice woman. They chat a lot. And teach me some slang of American. For example "Shotgun Marry" it means the girl pregnant without marriage. Her father will take a gun to the boy. So the boy should marry her.
Finally, we go to the gleanings opening of Ron Barron.
And the Cleveland Foundation gives the personal business cards to six artists. They respect art worker.