Meeting & Guide's tour in Cleveland

I make my breakfast, black coffee and sandwich.
這次駐村是因著 Cleveland Foundation的Creative Fusion Program of Art 的計畫,簡而言之就是它們全世界徵選6位藝術家,和當地6個向基金會徵件的機構做媒合,機構可以挑選它們想合作的藝術家,然後藝術家就會分別被分配到不一樣的機構合作、工作,基金會負責付相關費用跟媒合,我則是被分配到藝術教育的相關機構,之後三個月除了創作外,還要教孩童一起做媒體藝術。
今早就開了第一次的一個大會,這次很幸運6位藝術家中有3位台灣藝術家,分別為體相的舞者跟舞團合作、裝置雕塑藝術家跟跨領域表演團體、 媒體藝術的我跟藝術教育機構。 另外還有一位巴基斯坦的藝術家跟雕塑機構,跟南美洲的藝術家跟畫廊,最後一位是紐約的裝置藝術家跟畫廊。
今早就開了第一次的一個大會,這次很幸運6位藝術家中有3位台灣藝術家,分別為體相的舞者跟舞團合作、裝置雕塑藝術家跟跨領域表演團體、 媒體藝術的我跟藝術教育機構。 另外還有一位巴基斯坦的藝術家跟雕塑機構,跟南美洲的藝術家跟畫廊,最後一位是紐約的裝置藝術家跟畫廊。
Morning we have a meeting with all artists and hosts on the Cleveland Foundation. There are twenty people, and introduce our works. I'm nervous, because I didn't know that we would introduce. Unfortunately, it is my mistake that I should prepare that. I don't speak well. Finally, they don't care about it, and say I very braved. But I talk to myself that I should practice English more.
We have a great lunch. And all artists get a co-calendar that show many events to us. We have health insurance procedures and free MOCA pass.
They rent a guide's tour of the bus, and show us about the Cleveland.

It is a very beautiful city of Cleveland OHIO.