Test touch board:: about workshop of arts-inspired learning


I test the touch board starter kit. It is an electronic board like Arduino board.  Make interactive projects use  electric paint.


Electric paint is a nontoxic electrically conductive material. It provides a great platform for designing graphical sensor, repairing, and cold soldering electronics. It is like to draw circuits. Also it connects objects as sensors. Choose objects would like use metallic or conductive. Then choose sounds that you want to put in.  Load sound in min SD card. Attach the speaker to  the touch board and the power.


The test video:


The night I use the pot to cook rice. It is success. I really miss rice.

On the Sunday night, everyone cooks one meal. We are at dinner together in our apartment. I cook burritos with noodle. I buy a button of wine. It's quite cool.


The the artist, Abdullah, is a Pakistani. He cooks the meal in Pakistan.
