It is a Film Festival of Cleveland from 1977-2016. It is like Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival. There is many kind of films that you can choose. It isn't always commercial film. It could be independent film, experimental film, short film or the animated film.
So I choose four films, watch it during this week.
It is a crazy day. It is sunning in the morning, raining in the afternoon, and snowing in the night. Sequoia, Amalia, and I go to Ryan's apartment. He has a party of hand-made pizza with his friends. Ryan is a great bartender, and he cooks well. So he teaches me how to make the awesome pizza.
Unfortunately, it is de-energized in the whole apartment. When we baked only a plate of pizza. We chat and wait. And then we take all things to his friend's apartment. Everyone is hungry.
They play guess word game, and show me how to play. It is very crazy.
Lin, Meng, Abdullan and I go to the CIFF, and watch the animated short program.
We go to the very beautiful supermarket, Heine's.
The food is nice.
2016/4/4 Monday is working day.Joe picks up me to the other school, and discuss the workshop. We are at breakfast in Luna's brake.
We go to the office. I and artists of the office talk about media work.
And we go to the Gala.
Eating Cambodia's food.