Program development: Teaching Artist Preparation

2016/4/7-2016/4/8 Workshop

There is a two day workshop for teaching artist in the arts-inspired learning. It is like a teaching seminar  though art.

Everyone has a big file about the workshop.


Content is:
1. General Information
2. Arts Integration
3. Youth Development
4. Behavior Management
5. Curricular Connections
6. Outcome & Indicators
7. Strategies & Activities
8. Resources

Sighing your name at brand. You definitely need a sweet dessert and coffee for professional topic of the workshop. Face it!!!!

Activity: Birthday Line ups

We line up by birthday of the date.  Two people talking about each other in the group, and introduce her to everyone.

Then Mike introduces what we should do in the two days.

Art integration

A Tangram is a seven-piece puzzle that originated in China centuries.

Experience: Laura's watershed activity


Lunch is salad and pizza. Then we know about Youth Development: ages & stages.

Day 2

Curricular connection

Be able to explain the purpose for standards across.


Outcomes & Indicators


Strategies & Activities

Homework: Teaching artist Program Temple

Everyone needs to design own program, and sent it back.
And I need to focus on the workshop in the two days, and I always fall sleep from pm5 to pm7.  I am very tired for this.

By the way, I bring the artwork of testing laser cutting. Tuesday I  went to think[box] with Sequoia. And we have done it.


