Start to speed up 開始加速度的駐村生活

"My body is our body"
The performance/exhibition by Hui-Lin Chuang & Inlet Dance theatre. Lin is my roommate in the residency.

She cooperates with Inlet Dance theatre, and she dismantles dancers' movement. To combine their body together. Sketch it. Convert it to vector files.  And then laser cutting it. They are wood.

She invites the viewer to use phone light by themselves when the viewer going into the exhibition. To make the special shadow in the space. Then the performance start. It says a poetry as if the story. The shadow becomes dancers, and dancers become the shadow. Slow and fast. Silence and voice.

It is awesome performance & exhibition. Congratulation with Lin!!!!!!


We (Joe, Sema, Sequoia and me) eat the hot dog again before the performance.
After the show we(Ryan, Shawn, Sequoia, Amaila and me) go to the bar. Hang out.

Percussion installation in front of the art museum.

Happy afternoon tea's time~~~~!


I and Sequoia work the  whole day. We finish one piece about 80%.


My final workshop finished in the Gesu.


We go to the other maker space in the Cuyahoga County public library's Garfield Heights. There are a big sewing machine, the laser cutting, and the 3D printers.



We (Sequoia, Meo, Amaila, and I) eat dinner of girl's Monday together. I love winking lizard's food. You can chose how spice in your winking.




Seeing "Captain America" in USA. It's an American style!!! 


Lin, Abdulla and I go to see Meng's performance with Verb ballet.


The show of CIeveland Institution of Art




Think[box]. Fail "M" of 3D printer.




