開幕茶會: 2017年9月9日(六)下午2點展覽時間:2017年9月9日至11月12日 上午9點至下午5點展覽地點: 403台中市西區五權西路一段2號 (國立臺灣美術館數位方舟展覽)https://event.culture.tw/NTMOFA/portal/Registration/C0103MAction?actId=70119
「火辣身體,冷酷科技:新媒體藝術中的身體表演與編舞操作」展覽以美國現代舞蹈先驅Loie Fuller在舞蹈科技上的創新,從Fuller征服了國際觀眾的演出為起始點,探究當代藝術家如何利用新媒體藝術與觀者產生互動,透過創造獨特的感官體驗、考慮對象物的功效與移情(Empathy)等概念,來影響觀眾感知真實,探討現今數位藝術的發展趨勢和身體取向。特別關注身體展演性和編舞操作在新媒體時代的體現,而這包含不同層面對身體的想像和探討,例如:身體的存在、身體的被取代性、生老病死的身體、身體的物質性、身體與自然與抽象概念間的哲學探討等。
Exhibition Title: “Hot body, Cool Tech:
We are no longer merely entangled with machines, no longer simple soldered to their experience; we literally coevolve with them. We must now perceive of technology and human beings as one entity. We are machines and the machine is within us. The machine breathes. (Dynes, Metal and Flesh, 2001: 32)By the late twentieth century, our time, a mythic time, we are all chimeras, theorized and fabricated as hybrids of machine and organism; in short, we are cyborgs. The cyborg is our ontology; it gives us our politics. The cyborg is a condensed image of both imagination and material reality, the two joined centres structuring any possibility of historical transformation. (Haraway, “A Cyborg Manifesto,” 1991: 150)What is the agency and identity of the body displayed in new media arts? Technologies are our tools, our prosthetics, and our companions. Arts practitioners have long been questioning and incorporating their continued and varied uses. In some cases, as artists push the boundaries of their creativity, they have become innovators. Loie Fuller was an American performer and inventor. Her work with improvisational dance, costumes, stage lighting, and film from the turn of the 20th century toyed with the viewers’ perceptions of what was real. Fuller’s illusory performances that captivated international audiences serve as this exhibition’s jumping off point to explore how contemporary artists are attempting to connect with viewers by creating experiences with new media that disrupt perceptions of reality, consider the efficacy of objects, and draw on human empathy. The exhibition begins with an exploration on historical contexts on the digital arts and contemporary forms, focusing on the current future trends in distribution and archival processes.

(現場照片 photo)